Dear Joan A. Cararach & Barcelona Jazz Fans,
We are very pleased to be included in the 2020 Barcelona Jazz Festival — live-streaming to you from the Village Vanguard!
In February, the Vanguard marked its 85th anniversary, in March we closed the doors. And now, we’re able to join with you to hear some great music. Until we’re able to see you again, stay tuned to... – Deborah Gordon
October 23rd & 24th: Ravi Coltrane Quartet
October 27th: SOLO SERIES – Marcus Gilmore
October 30th & 31st: The Bad Plus
A partir del 23 d´octubre.
Tota la informació i concerts a
IMPORTANT: Els menors de 16 anys només podran accedir al recinte acompanyats del pare, mare o tutor legal. Imprescindible presentar el Full de responsabilitat degudament imprès i emplenat.
Ravi Coltrane, Rick Germanson, Veronica Swift i The Bad Plus, protagonistes dels primers concerts, que es poden seguir en streaming.